Hello everyone!
A couple of days ago, we packed up our tents, enough food for 2 days, swim suits, blankets, and multiple layers of sweaters and headed out into the wild. Destination?
Goldmyer Hot Springs with its 'Magic Water'!!
all ready for our hike!! |
The hot springs is nestled in the foothills of the Cascade Mountains, and 'hike', which was really more of a 4.5 mile-stroll was incredibly beautiful. This waterfall was the first view that greeted us as we entered the mountain.
The whole crew minus me, the photographer =p |
Next time we go, we're definitely going to bring a smaller, lighter tent, but the only one our family owns right now is this gigantic 7-person one, so unfortunately we had to lug that one with us for the hike... but look at these manly men braving the whole hike with the metal tent poles! =D
We took a quick break by the river about half way into our hike, and enjoyed some lunch while marveling at how crystal clear the water was!
The hike was really not too difficult, and soon we were at the caretaker's house, and our campground!
Putting up our giant tent!
And Tada!!! 'Hotel Joo'. yup.
Our family friends, who are veterans (they have been coming to this hot spring for over 7 years!), carried a much smaller and more appropriate tent. Look how teensy it is! so cute! =D and the best part? it's only like 2 pounds! Definitely investing in one of these so we don't have to carry our 20 pound one next time...
our campsite =) |
Because we were in the bear country, we had to put our food in one of these buckets, and then string them up in between the trees! Safety is the most important thing after all. Besides, we really liked the process. I don't know if it was because it was so different than what we were used to at home so we were really fascinated by it? or because it made us really feel like we were out in the wild? or perhaps it was just the act of pulling the strings and seeing the pulley system at work? haha whatever it was, the people on pulley duty loved it =p
Having set up our camp, we hiked for another half of a mile to the hot springs.
This hike was a little more difficult (so it was actually a hike instead of a nice, easy stroll), but it was also incredibly beautiful.
how old do you reckon this tree is...? |
and it kept getting more and more beautiful as we got closer to the hot springs...
Then, the hot springs just kind of appeared in front of our eyes. No big fanfare of its existence, the small pools are just kind of quietly nestled into the rocks and the woods.
There are three pools total, and the hottest pool is actually located inside of the cave where the water originates. The cave itself is actually quite large, about 20 feet long, but the middle pool where the water flows next is quite small (only about 3 people can sit there at a time), and the last pool that is just a little warmer than body temperature can sit about 6 people at a time. Because of this, and also to lessen the impact on the environment, only 20 people are allowed into the hot springs per day, so if you want to visit, make sure you call them and make an appointment!
The Larks enjoying some soaking time =)
Timmay in the middle pool. see? told you it was teensy =) and you can see into the cave a little bit! |
Abers in the cave |
And this is the view that greets you as you soak all of your worries away while listening to the sounds of the waterfall that runs right next to the hot springs.
While we were soaking, we experienced one of the most intense storms ever. There was hail, lightening, thunder... you name it, and it was happening. Though our tents did not fare so well (but we didn't find that out until we got down later that night), I can't describe fully in words the sensations the storm created. We were in the heart of it, we could hear every thunder cracking right over us, feel the rain pouring down on our heads, but there was no anxiety that came with it. We were perfectly content sitting in the hot pools, protected by the overhanging vegetation and the cave, listening to the thunder, the rain, the water fall...
And you know how people say that the sunshine after a storm is the most beautiful of them all? it's so true. As the rain gradually subsided, the most glorious sunshine began to peek through the trees.
Sunshine coming through in little patches =)
We soaked for the rest of the day, some of us staying put in the lower 2 pools while the brave ones went from the cold pool (ice melt water where timmay is) to the cave pool (the hottest one where daddy is)
After spending an incredibly freezing night in the tents (believe me, even in the summer, you have to be prepared to freeze your butt off if you go into the mountains) we made a beeline for the hot springs again in the morning.
Enjoying the last couple of moments in my favorite pool under the hot waterfall, which I thought was the perfect temperature for the best shower of your life! haha I know that might sound a bit weird, but it was seriously the perfect temperature! A tiny bit on the too-hot side, just the way I like my showers! =p
Sadly, our 2-day trip had to come to an end, so we packed everything up, and headed down the mountain after a few photos =)
the cute little shack by the hot springs where you can change and put your things while you soak |
Timmay, such a champ carrying all of this stuff (including the fabric part of the tent!)
It was such a wonderful trip, and all of us can't wait to go back soon! And when we got down, we realized why the water there was called 'magic water'; Abers has Eczema, and had a little patch on her fingers when we started the hike. When we got back down the mountain, almost all of her Eczema was gone!! Our family friend also had a similar experience, but it took her multiple visits to clear hers completely.
If you are ever around the Seattle area, I would highly highly soooo highly recommend visiting this little gem of a place! I really cannot recommend it enough, and I'm definitely going back when I'm back in Seattle next =)
Thanks for stopping by, and have a wonderful weekend!