Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Music + Science Life

 Hello everyone,

It's been a fun week or two here at Rice,
but I think everyone is incredibly ready for our Spring Break to be here already!!!
just a couple more days of working our buttocks off,
and then we can get out of Houston and fly to California to visit LA and San Francisco!!   =D

This will be an extra special visit since we get to visit David's Dad,
and then go see my baby brother AND my first roomy ever, Alina, in Berkeley!!
It will be also fun because Berkeley is David's old stomping grounds!  =p

 I can see it now, baby bro and David's gonna be all Berkeleying it up, 
and I'm just going to be like,,,  
'I visited here once... for baby bro's orientation...'   haha

It was such a fun trip though, that trip to Berkeley and San Francisco,
--you can read about our road trip to Berkeley and San Francisco here, here, and here--
and I can't wait to visit the beautiful bay area once again and explore it together with a few of my favorite people in the world!  =D

picture taken from a top of one large hill on Berkeley campus...  it was near a science center of some sort...

 It's difficult not to think ahead to Spring Break,
but the past week has been quite eventful and full of music + science and I wanted to take a moment to remember a couple of things from the week  =)

Firstly, Itzhak Perlman came to Houston!!!
Lijia, David, and I attended the performance together,
and it was incredible to see and hear him perform live.
It was extra fun because he was performing a piece Lijia was going to perform on her recital that coming Sunday--the Devil's Trill by Tartini!
What I really appreciate about Perlman is not only the fact that he is an incredible musician,
but also the fact that he is always so charming and engaging at his performances.
He always talks to the audience, tells jokes and stories, 
and creates an overall comforting and welcoming atmosphere.
It was such a fun night, and a huge thanks to our friend Karen for providing us with the tickets!  =)

Last night, we also watched Mr. Lin perform at Shepherd as well!
So many awesome performances this past week!!
He performed a Mozart sonata KV304, Ravel sonata, and the Enescu Octet,
and it was definitely a moment of 'oh, that's how violin playing can look like,,, so effortless..'  haha
and man, Enescu Octet?!
wow.  that piece is really something when you hear it live.
I had heard it before in recordings, and I didn't really care for it all that much,
but listening to it yesterday was SO exciting!!
Of course I had heard Mr. Lin perform in recordings and in Youtube videos,
but it was the first time I had seen him perform live, and it was definitely inspiring.

ok. time to go practice...

haha, just kidding.  
well, no, not kidding, I do have a lesson tomorrow so I have to go practice,
but I'll finish this post first..  =)

This concert cycle, I'm in the opera orchestra, and we're playing Ariodante by Handel.
I had never heard of the opera before,
but I'm excited to see what it's like when everything is staged and we have the singers with us.
So far, it's just been the orchestra, and so it hasn't been all that exciting,
but we start rehearsing with the singers soon!

this is what happens during our breaks  haha

Strangely enough, I have also been spending quite a bit of time in a science lab this past week as well.
What would a Musi be doing in a science lab, you ask?
Oh you know, mental practicing, and listening to music, and marveling at the fact that things catch on fire yet no one seems to be the least bit concerned...

so, basically, I still do the normal Musi stuff, just in a different environment   haha

and when I get tired of mental practicing,
I can go see this guy hard at work,
in all his proper lab safety gear...  =p

 So it's been a lot of working long hours for both of us lately,
but his hard work is really starting to pay off, and I'm so happy for him!  =)

and working long hours at Shepherd or at lab isn't so bad,
especially when you can squeeze in a walk together between the two buildings,
and walk by this beautiful skyspace every time you do so  =) 

kinda looks like an alien ship, no?  haha

Happy Tuesday everyone!

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