Friday, December 20, 2013

First Snow at Home!!

Hello everyone,

I'm back! yes, after about 2 weeks absence... but I have finally recuperated from the finals week!  I know, I know. I was so excited that school was over, but what I didn't quite realize was that the last week of classes was super easy compared to the 'finals' week in which I had only 1 true 'final'.  I mean, I thought it would be a breeze.  but the 'finals' week.. it was truly hell on wheels that rolled through Shepherd School of Music and left much devastation in its wake... different performances every single day...  eek, I can't even think about that week without having a bit of a heart attack, so let's not think back shall we..?

On a much happier note, I'm at home!!  HOME SWEET HOME!  why did I ever want to leave it, I have no idea.  ahhh  home...  so happy to be back with my parents, see my cousin, and of course be with my McKinley baby!  and today, Seattle gifted us with a nice sprinkle of snow (about quarter of an inch), which made the schools have late start (I know, those of us from Nebraska can't help but laugh at the snow phobia here), and because I'm still in central time, I was up and out the door with McKinley man to frolic around in the fresh snow before it had a chance to be all mucked up!  my little snowdog, how I love him so.

and right in front of our house, we discovered a little snow angel, courtesy of a little neighbor person  =)  I managed to snap a picture right before McKinley ran into it and left paw prints all over the little angel  haha

It was pretty freezing, but I was pretty giddy about the snow, and so was little man obviously, so we took a long walk around the neighborhood.

Once in awhile, we stopped so that I could take some pictures like these...

and McKinley would get really impatient and go round and round me nonstop.  
See? he's like, 'mom, let's go, I'm ready!'
and all of those paw prints are McKinley's  haha

I hope you are all having a wonderful Friday!  it's almost the weekend, yay! and stay warm out there if you are in the snowy climate like we are!  =)

Thanks for stopping by~

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